Cat and Piano
08/02/2006 17:59:24
vita di un gruppo, brevi considerazioni
brevi considerazioni a ca**o. Sarò breve. Si stima
che la vita media di un gruppo 'indie' che trova un pò di notorietà sia
di 3 album: no, non mi [...]
08/02/2006 17:17:41
Mi and L'Au
nice to meet you
Mi and L'Au are a Boy and a Girl in loved each other, making amazing gentle and delicate acoustic Muzik at YoungGod rec. Honey female vocals and [...]
06/02/2006 17:15:24
you're going to love this
I know You are going to love this: elbo.ws,
through an algorithm, collects lots of mp3 blogs, making easier the mp3
research. - Nowadays it's full [...]
06/02/2006 13:54:31
She never told her Love
flash hair
06/02/2006 10:54:41
Al Lewis
rip (for real, now)The Munsters' granpa passed by
Frankly i ignored Al Lewis (aka Grandpa Munster) was still alive. He passed by at 95, past 4th feb. ¬mp3: The Munsters (theme) [via subvulture] [...]
06/02/2006 10:11:19
gold videogame
Goldfrapp have a videogame to promote Their last hit single from Supernature [read past komareview], No. 1: i think it's impossible to pass all [...]
05/02/2006 19:37:01
gennaio 2006
January hasn't been all that hard thanks to:
¨. hope sandoval & the warm inventions - bavarian fruit bread
¨.¨. broadcast - the noise made by [...]
05/02/2006 19:14:11
There She Is
Love is love
03/02/2006 15:09:05
Viva Voce
Alive with Pleasurevideo
It was years i didn't check any news about nashville Viva Voce: now, i crossed into this video of single Alive with Pleasure, - and, besides being a [...]
31/01/2006 15:50:58
Three Mile Pilot
It was about one year ago when i read with HUGE joy that Three Mile Pilot
were going to release a new album.. but but.. probably things didnt
come [...]
31/01/2006 11:11:47
adverts radar
is a precious radar for cleverness in advertising, a special selection
of creative as well as funny stuff from the wild wide world of [...]
25/01/2006 14:10:45
25/01/2006 13:46:43
Modest Design
Mark Ryden icons
Modest Design features some nice icons inspired by Mark Ryden oeuvres (see the download area). More, it features an interesting portfolio of graphic solutions.
23/01/2006 14:27:54
Edgar Allan Poe
The Tell-Tale Fart(January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849)
And yes, happybirthday my dear Edgar [ps. and this tee shirt had to win..] [...]
19/01/2006 17:54:27