Album covers galore.
Sleevage is a great website. A great information source for album covers, art & design. Above, You can recognize Bjork's bizzarre outfit for Volta [...]
01/09/2008 16:33:06
September, again, after 30 years. Gnugno e Luio sono stati megliati da
perdite nasali di crammatica e graziati da ascolti massicci di:
O the [...]
01/09/2008 12:21:56
Più punk, più street, più tutto di chiunque ce l'abbia griffato in fronte.
[related: i see dead people] [...]
29/08/2008 16:42:27
A me è venuto in mente che a Roma non ci sono ristoranti belga. Perchè
qui no? Non c'è modo di mangiare quindi niente cucinato con una [...]
29/08/2008 15:37:15
Pretty girls make graves
Speakers Push Air
28/08/2008 18:08:07
Autumn Product
Cecilia, aka Autumn Product,
features on Her wesbite a wide portfolio of polaroid snaphots, bands
portraits (from italian underground world of [...]
28/08/2008 14:19:32
Parenthetical Girls
a mix of some kind to accompany Entanglements
Zac Pennington & Matt Carlson from the band Parenthetical Girls put together "a
mix of some kind to accompany our new record, Entanglements – [...]
27/08/2008 13:46:49
Zombie walk
In San Francisco
It took place in San Francisco, early this month, - chiaramente non a
Roma, per quanto di zombie sia pieno. Insomma, non che sia l'idea del
secolo, [...]
27/08/2008 11:06:00
Now i get that logo
Beijing 2008
26/08/2008 12:41:14
That's an excellent good monday morning!New album to come
'New Album + Euro Tour in October 2008. We are really happy to let you know that there will be a new Cranes album and a tour in October 2008. The [...]
25/08/2008 09:43:11
See also:
22/08/2008 14:43:56
The online image editor
'The online image editor': still lots of some improvements to do, - btw it works fine for a quick image editing when You have not got other means: [...]
21/08/2008 10:58:02