Electric CampfireSave the date: 09 settembre 2016 @ Villa Massimo, Roma
Save the date: venerdì 9 settembre, ore 20.00 (ingresso dalle ore 19.30 alle 21.30), l'etichetta / network tedesca di musica, arte e [...]
05/09/2016 10:05:43
Just for a dayListen to this record, now.
Released 25 years ago, still blowing my mind. Thank you Slowdive. [...]
02/09/2016 12:11:03
See also:
Gene Wilder
Taffeta, darling(June 11, 1933 – August 29, 2016)
“What do actors really want? To be great actors? Yes, but you can’t buy talent, so it’s best to leave the word ‘great’ out of it. I think to be [...]
30/08/2016 12:06:16
8/24/91 - Cologne, Germany25 years ago sound like now
That's why I love Youtube, - pardon, - (some) people uploading new stuff on YT. A remastered (audio and video) version of this amazing live [...]
24/08/2016 11:05:22
The Telescopes
The Telescopes - Flavor Crystals split
After lunch, opt for a nap. Even better, a self-inducted hypnosis, driven and guided by latest Telescopes' droning trance melody, The Living [...]
18/08/2016 11:58:35
Pink cloudsofficial video
Serpentine keys' riff, ethereal female vocals, whispered, minimal percussions, warm vibe to warm your cold cold heart: dreampop band WL (read it [...]
18/08/2016 09:21:42
Butcher Billy
Tales from the SmithActually, it's Friday
Brazilian illustrator Butcher Billy is fukcing ace, utterly visionary.. this serie of Robert Smith covers are amazing. Buy Tales from the Smith [...]
05/08/2016 09:34:24
Bowery Electric
Peel Session and more raritieson soundcloud;
Classy, elegant, soothing and hypnotically ecstatic. Enjoy this three piece peel session of Bowery Electric, uploaded last week on their [...]
25/07/2016 10:16:37
Timothy Leary
Legend of a MindThe Moody Blues
"Leary's official website only projects a movie where you see the same Leary at work in his studio." [wiki] [...]
22/07/2016 12:20:22
Alan Vega
(Brooklyn, June 23, 1938 - NYC, July 16, 2016)r.i.p.
"Alan passed peacefully in his sleep on July 16. He was 78 years of age." [via]Of course, as most, I discovered Alan Vega because of Suicide's 1977 [...]
16/07/2016 10:07:21
Amar Gopal Bose
Dream + Reach: The First 50 Years of Bose(Bengali - November 2, 1929 - July 12, 2013)
A beautiful synergy."What is bad is not that man lives and dies; but what dies within man while he lives; and perhaps, the most important thing that [...]
12/07/2016 16:08:55
Darker Nowofficial vid
Join the darkside of Pastelpower: Cherie Ko's new project, Tomgirl sounds sensually darker (now), - a new music venture with Melbournian [...]
01/07/2016 11:33:06
Bud Spencer
r.i.p.[Napoli, 31 ottobre 1929 - Roma, 27 giugno 2016]
Forever in debt with this man.. TY. [...]
28/06/2016 08:57:00
See also:
Two Ships(official video)
New vid from Thrushes, one more track from their 2015 record Exposing Seas, shot in the band’s backyard, last Winter. You can barely ask for [...]
21/06/2016 11:53:22