Ingmar Berman
Ingmar Berman has passed away, r.i.p. // Ingmar Berman
è morto oggi.. personalmente ignoravo fosse ancora vivo (era pure del
1918..).. non che lui [...]
31/07/2007 17:35:22
Un (leggendario) regista al dì.. - cadon come mosche.. anche Michelangelo Antonioni, arzillo 94enne.. mi immagino che chicchierate con Berman lì in [...]
31/07/2007 12:42:39
entrai nel magico mondo di internet la prima canzone che mi scaricai
avidamente dalla rete con un cricetissimo modem 56k che andava a 33k [...]
30/07/2007 13:17:23
Lost bunnies
Personally, i'm Lost, i'm a Lost addict, this new excerpt might drive me crazy. Evil bunnies.. [...]
30/07/2007 13:09:54
Mangiate merda
milioni di mosche non possono sbagliare
Fonte: kataweb
Ascolto un po' tutta la musica ma la mia preferenza in assoluto è per la musica rock; mi piace ascoltare la radio; quindi fate [...]
30/07/2007 09:47:24
See also:
Sam Weber
Photoshop artist Sam Weber is somewhat visionary in His obscure poetry, - His illustrations of ravens, vampires, dreams and (busted) Bjork [some time [...]
30/07/2007 08:55:03
Nicholas Gurewitch
evil; genius;
- Nicholas Gurewitch
is total genius: evil, hilarious, brilliant, crude, even more
brilliant! - and it's unbelieveble how He passes from one style [...]
26/07/2007 16:59:51
Commander / Optimus cake
- I haven't seen the Transformes movie yet (and i'm not all that sure i'll do), btw someone made this cake shaped à la Commander/Optimus (entirely [...]
25/07/2007 16:37:22
Yes, i upgraded komakino, since today with a chance to post comments to
each post/review/platitude i write. - Hopefully in no massive [...]
25/07/2007 16:00:53
The Jesus and Mary Chain
with Hope SandovalSometimes Always (MTV in Studio live) - youtube
The best try to start a new day is watching live Hope Sandoval with Jesus & Mary Chain (does that make a rhyme?) [...]
25/07/2007 10:22:12
I never wished so much as now i could live in Lima Peru: 'Ana Breton and Andrew Prinz of Mahogany join the Lovesliescrushing 07 Ensemble, led by [...]
19/07/2007 11:10:28
Turkish Rambo
missle launcher rockets are as common as stones in turkey
This turkish Rambo's saga is million times better than original. - All the fightings are pure GOLD, as well the rocket launcher miracle itself. - As [...]
17/07/2007 18:19:14