Previously in.. 2025 · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · 2020 · 2019 · 2018 · 2017 · 2016 · 2015 · 2014 · 2013 · 2012 · 2011 · 2010 · 2009 · 2008 · 2007 · 2006 · 2005 · 2004 · 2003 · 2002 · 2001 · 2000 · 1999 · {no matters who wrote what, see all posts here.}
In 2009 pall 's gray matter went multicolor writing about:

31/12/2009 - Mr Wiggles - Happy new year, or kind of that Varie
30/12/2009 - 2009 - 2010 e poi? 2011? Varie
29/12/2009 - Star Wars - The Star Wars Holiday Special - Happy Life Day (1978) Varie
29/12/2009 - Be Maledetto Now! - Abisso del Passato 2 Review
29/12/2009 - VV.AA. - White Silber - A Cold Slow Xmas Review
28/12/2009 - Poe Dancing - T-shirt Varie
28/12/2009 - Be Maledetto Now! - Abisso del Passato 1 Review
28/12/2009 - Star Wars / A-Team opening - mash-up Varie
25/12/2009 - Ramones - Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight) Plus Nirvana + J. Varie
24/12/2009 - Cool Japanese Money Box - Cute as hell Varie
23/12/2009 - Bloodysconi - Silvio Berlusconi puppets with blood Varie
22/12/2009 - Maxim Dalton - Guitar Lessons Varie
21/12/2009 - 6 iphones piano play - performing Amélie's famous theme Comptine D'un Autre Été: L'après Midi, by Yann Tiersen from the soundtrack from Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain on 6 iPhones. Varie
21/12/2009 - Pantogar - Memo pad Varie
18/12/2009 - The Victorian English Gentlemens Club - Mr Fenton and his photo of Melrose Abbey Video, free mp3, story. Varie
17/12/2009 - Culi che parlano - Culi che ridono Varie
16/12/2009 - Stuart McMillen - Challenged Varie
16/12/2009 - Philip Kindred Dick - A SCANNER DARKLY panel featuring animators and... Philip K. Dick R.i.p., December 16, 1928 – March 2, 1982 Varie
15/12/2009 - Dexter Hematolognia for dinner and dessert plates Varie
15/12/2009 - Il presepe delle marionette - 25 dicembre @ Sinister Noise da "Che cosa sono le Nuvole" di Pier Paolo Pasolini Varie
15/12/2009 - Vegetable G - Calvino Review
14/12/2009 - Japanese babe "I play "Bark at the moon" on guitar in order to let METAL be popular" Varie
14/12/2009 - Silvio Berlusconi - Italian PM suffered fractured nose, two broken teeth and lip injury when man hurled model of Milan cathedral at him Che gran duomo. Varie
11/12/2009 - Kate Beaton - Hark, a vagrant Jules et Edgar Varie
10/12/2009 - L'arrotino e l'ombrellaio - Donne, è arrivato. Varie
10/12/2009 - Techno Tuesday - There's nothing on Varie
10/12/2009 - Charles Bukowski - About Mickey Mouse Varie
09/12/2009 - Boring Machines - Onga talks Interview
08/12/2009 - Annelies Monseré - Marit Review
07/12/2009 - Scan Processor Studies by Woody Vasulka and Brian O'Reilly Varie
07/12/2009 - Sketchy santas - ho, ho, ho Varie
07/12/2009 - VV.AA. - Quit Having Fun Review
03/12/2009 - Céleste Boursier-Mougenot - Far suonare la chitarra all'uccello diventa arte. Varie
02/12/2009 - Ka Mate Ka Ora - live @ sinister noise, 01 dicembre 2009, ingr. 5 euro w/ La Calle Mojada + In Between Lies Live report
02/12/2009 - Distillate - It's Xmas time, - actually, time for gifts Varie
01/12/2009 - Alison Goldfrapp - Cooking with A black cheree gâteau Varie
01/12/2009 - Stasera, live a Roma - Ka Mate Ka Ora + La Calle Mojada + In Between Lies komakino'zine s*pporta Varie
01/12/2009 - Ghost to Falco - Exotic Believers Review
01/12/2009 - Malice in wonderland - Vince Collins "Who has had such a curious dream?" Varie

30/11/2009 - Giuseppe Culicchia - Ambarabà Review
30/11/2009 - Jon Vermilyea - He-Man and the 13 Trials of Eternia Varie
27/11/2009 - Comaneci - You a lie Review
27/11/2009 - Mike Stilkey - books for painting Charles Bukowski tower Varie
26/11/2009 - ILingual - iphone Varie
26/11/2009 - Altro - Autunno 7'' Artwork Varie
26/11/2009 - Ran Hwang Dreaming of Joy, buttons, pins, installation, 2008 Varie
25/11/2009 - K-Branding - Facial Review
25/11/2009 - Beaker - Ode to Joy Varie
24/11/2009 - Mouse power - Cheap Monday Bruce Popular Revolution Tee Varie
24/11/2009 - District 9 - visual fx work - before/after plus Alive in Joburg, @ youtube Varie
24/11/2009 - Mesmerico - Magnete Review
24/11/2009 - Mitch Trale - New stripes Varie
24/11/2009 - Piroth - Live in Copertino (Lecce), 21/11/2009 The whole live set @ i sotterranei / undersound festival Varie
24/11/2009 - Init - Comunicato su momentanea chiusura Varie
23/11/2009 - Early Day Miners - live Roma @ locanda atlantide, 19 novembre 2009, ingr. 5 euro w/ La Calle Mojada Live report
20/11/2009 - Distorted Pony - Live footage, pictures, facebook fan page 20th Anniversary shows are being discussed! More as it develops... Varie
20/11/2009 - Nudge - As Good As Gone Review
19/11/2009 - The Popup-Book of Phobias - by Gary Greenberg Varie
19/11/2009 - Mike Sacks - Ikea instructions This way out | illustrated by Julian Sancton Varie
19/11/2009 - Andrew Dymond - aka Duracell Drums + 8bit Music = wow! Varie
19/11/2009 - Erik Ursich - 3048 Review
18/11/2009 - Barbagallo - Prima che faccia altri 6 dischi Interview
18/11/2009 - Louisville - A Silent Effort In The Night Review
18/11/2009 - Rome is burning again.. - ..and London too. DCCCXVII A.U.C. & 1666 Varie
17/11/2009 - Papercraft self portrait - Halloween 2009 by Eric Testroete Varie
17/11/2009 - The Calorifer is Very Hot! - Evolution on Stand-by Review
16/11/2009 - What a pity - Yet she could banish her superflous hair entirely Varie
16/11/2009 - Pipers - Sick of You video Varie
16/11/2009 - Do not disturb - the collection Varie
16/11/2009 - No Berlusconi Day - 5 dicembre 2009, Roma Varie
16/11/2009 - Tempelhof - We Were Not There For The Beginning, We Won't Be There For The End Review
16/11/2009 - Wulffmorgenthaler - Death metal trush Varie
13/11/2009 - Dave & Ug - Discover the Internet! Varie
11/11/2009 - I Treni all'Alba - Video Destroyers - Atto I 8 video per 8 canzoni - i primi 2. Varie
09/11/2009 - A couple of days off - As subject Varie
09/11/2009 - Royal british Mail - Album cover stamps Varie
05/11/2009 - Pipers - No one but us Review
04/11/2009 - Culture Reject - s/t Review
03/11/2009 - Facebook - Interior design firm Studio O+A designed new offices for Facebook in Palo Alto, CA Actually, now you're really on Facebook Varie
03/11/2009 - Luke Ferenc Pearson - Some people Varie
02/11/2009 - Lotus Plaza - The floodlight collective Review
02/11/2009 - Alda Merini - r.i.p. (March 21, 1931 – November 1, 2009) Varie
02/11/2009 - Denise - Mute interlude Varie
01/11/2009 - Piroth - Interview with the two Piroth sisters Interview

31/10/2009 - Ghostbusters - Deleted scenes from the 1984 original movie who ya gonna call...? Varie
30/10/2009 - Chop Cup - by :weareom: Varie
30/10/2009 - VV.AA. - Fugues Unreleased Tracks 2009 Review
29/10/2009 - Chaos Physique - The science of chaotic solutions Review
28/10/2009 - Samuel L. Jackson - ''Bad Mutha Wizard'' as seen by Dave MacDowell Varie
28/10/2009 - Pictures for sad children - I love this day by John Campbell Varie
27/10/2009 - Moodring - Scared of Ferret Review
26/10/2009 - Three Mile Pilot - Planets / Grey Clouds Brand new release after more than 10 years!!! Varie
26/10/2009 - I said If - Autogenerative visual and sound art Interactive software- and online-application, generative sound Varie
26/10/2009 - Can't You see i'm busy! - Hidden games to make your workday bearable. Varie
22/10/2009 - Lego - POP-UP Book LEGO Scene Varie
22/10/2009 - Brian Harnetty & Bonnie Prince Billy - Silent City Review
21/10/2009 - Charlie Brown - This song always depresses me Varie
21/10/2009 - Joe Frawley Ensemble - Daughters of Industry Review
20/10/2009 - Wulffmorgenthaler - Plumbers Varie
20/10/2009 - The fun theory - simple as fun Varie
20/10/2009 - Victoria Reynolds - Specchio specchio delle mie brame, chi è il più bel pezzo di carne del reame? Down the Primrose Path, 2003 Varie
20/10/2009 - Bela Lugosi - Dorothy West interviews Bela Lugosi in his backyard , shortly after the success of Dracula in 1931 (Lugoj, 20 october 1882 – Los Angeles, 16 august 1956) Varie
19/10/2009 - Bacon Shoes - Your feet stink Varie
19/10/2009 - Vinyl - Not vynil Varie
19/10/2009 - Did - Kumar Solarium Review
16/10/2009 - Slicnaton - Basendrums Review
15/10/2009 - The Little Girl Giant - The Berlin reunion Varie
14/10/2009 - Kristof Luyckx - The Gulls Audio extract from Alfred Hitchcock's The birds Varie
14/10/2009 - Top Gun - Gay Varie
14/10/2009 - Gemma Correll - The perils of being an illustrator with access to the internet Varie
14/10/2009 - Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions - Through The Devil Softly Review
13/10/2009 - Julian Cope - w/ Father Murphy live Roma @ circolo degli artisti, 12 ottobre 2009, ingr. 15 euro Live report
13/10/2009 - Uncle Granpa - by Pete Browngardt Varie
13/10/2009 - Neil Halstead - Witless or Wise official video out now Varie
12/10/2009 - Patrick Moberg - There They Sat. Waiting. Varie
09/10/2009 - Blu at Deitch gallery - New York - September 2009 Varie
08/10/2009 - Office 2010 - The Movie by Dennis Liu Varie
07/10/2009 - No Lodo, No Party. Consulta: lodo Alfano illegittimo "Viola il principio di uguaglianza" Varie
07/10/2009 - Regretsy ''Handmade? It looks like you made it with your feet'' Varie
07/10/2009 - Capputtini 'i Lignu - Capputtini'i Lignu 7inches Review
06/10/2009 - Wulffmorgenthaler "Honey, i feel like you're ruining our cosy evening at home" Varie
06/10/2009 - Scary Mansion - Every Joke Is Half the Truth Review
06/10/2009 - The Wizard of Oz - Oz yourself Celebrating the 70th anniversary Varie
05/10/2009 - Red Nose Studio - Edgar Allan Poe Chris Sickels Varie
05/10/2009 - Piroth - Safe Haven Review
05/10/2009 - Un ipotetico regime politico Rif, Il Corriere: Libertà di stampa, folla a Roma Varie
04/10/2009 - Shannon Wright - w/ Le luci della centrale elettrica + Jester at Work live Roma, 01 ottobre 2009 @ circolo degli artisti, ingr. 10euro Live report
04/10/2009 - Godzilla's anatomy - Japanese monsters movies posters collection kaiju eiga Varie
04/10/2009 - Family Guy - Disney-fied SUN 9/8c, Road to Multiverse Varie
02/10/2009 - Oldpolaroid - Men Who Hate Women Review
01/10/2009 - RSS-fied - Due servizi RSS nuovi di zecca per komakino Aggiornamenti Journal + Concerti dal vivo Varie

29/09/2009 - świński tort - the cakegirl, Yasmin Al-Amelli Varie
29/09/2009 - Vasco Rossi - Na na na Varie
29/09/2009 - He-Man - by Adrian Riemann "He-Man wears: Jacket - Dior Homme, Jeans - April 77, Shoes - Pierre Hardy" Varie
29/09/2009 - Jonesin' - Hi, We're Jonesin' Review
29/09/2009 - Silvio Berlusconi - Milano, 29 settembre 1936 (73 anni) "Silvio Berlusconi candidato al premio Nobel per la pace. Il Dalai Lama può consolarsi col Telegatto." [> Spinoza] Varie
28/09/2009 - The Smittens Gumdrops video Varie
28/09/2009 - Rachel Grimes - Book Of Leaves Review
25/09/2009 - Werner Herzog's Rough Film School - Wake up, it's school time again. Varie
25/09/2009 - In forma con Davide - Un uomo. Un appalestrato. Il maschio totale. Non un semplice personal trainer: bensì, un maestro di vita. Varie
24/09/2009 - Tubbypaws - Happy art Varie
23/09/2009 - Stuart McMillen - I like Music Varie
23/09/2009 - Siggi Eggertsson - A Growing Pile of Work Varie
23/09/2009 - Origami Tea Bags by Nathalia Ponomareva Varie
23/09/2009 - Kris Lewis red carnation | oil on wood | 28n x 20in Varie
22/09/2009 - Royal Mail, dancing cat - - from veryfunnyads Varie
22/09/2009 - I Muse si scambiano i ruoli per la performance in playback a Quelli che il calcio.. - ..e Simona Ventura non s'accorge di nulla.. anzi, intervista il batterista Varie
21/09/2009 - Hobnox - Audiotool online Varie
19/09/2009 - Bennet Robot Works Adlake Kero, 3000$, by Gordon Bennet Varie
18/09/2009 - Black Box Nation - Futurista Review
17/09/2009 - Sol Seppy - Slow Fuzz, Wonderland, Toazted interview Varie
17/09/2009 - Buttersafe - Dracula Varie
17/09/2009 - Blue Silk - EA Review
16/09/2009 - Breakfast in Bed - Tea Towel Varie
16/09/2009 - V.I.P. - very important pixel Varie
15/09/2009 - Above the Tree - Minimal Love Review
14/09/2009 - Yattaman - Yatterman The Movie Varie
14/09/2009 - Video: Ultra-thin digital booth babe A 3-millimeter-thick digital booth babe is drawing double-takes in Tokyo. Varie
14/09/2009 - Royal Tea - Tea bags Varie
11/09/2009 - Campeggi - Pisolò [designed by Denis Santachiara, 1997] Varie
11/09/2009 - Iamx - Kingdom of Welcome Addiction Review
10/09/2009 - Barbara De Dominicis - Disremembering Echo video + making of Varie
10/09/2009 - Snow White - Apple Varie
10/09/2009 - Cow boots - Cammini come una vacca, anzi con due. Varie
10/09/2009 - Totally Looks Like - James Hetfield Totally Looks Like Cowardly Lion Varie
10/09/2009 - Sara Lov - on tour with a record player Varie
10/09/2009 - Lili Refrain - s/t Review
09/09/2009 - Joseph Alois Ratzinger - Seen On The Steets Of Stockholm Varie
09/09/2009 - Nacho Gil - The animals Varie
08/09/2009 - Mike Bongiorno - Sempre più in alto Varie
08/09/2009 - Tapso II - s/t Review
08/09/2009 - Monopoli - going online, using googlemaps/sketchup Varie
07/09/2009 - Passive Aggressive Notes - wandering children will be given a double espresso & a free puppy to take home! Varie
05/09/2009 - Rosa Mota - Space Junk video Varie
05/09/2009 - The Royal Tenenbaums - poster by Robotsoda Varie
04/09/2009 - Shannon Wright Honeybee Girls, - new album, release due to le 21 Septembre Varie
04/09/2009 - lolbots - twitter i twittity twotteetee too. Varie
04/09/2009 - 9000vision - Selection of works Varie
03/09/2009 - Film Poster Paintings from Ghana - The Terminator 2 (James Cameron, 1991) Varie
03/09/2009 - Lost - Terry O'Quinn is LOCKE Varie
03/09/2009 - The Joy of Tech - Snow Leopard released Varie
02/09/2009 - The Wizard of Oz - Oz Ruby Slippers Door Stop Varie
02/09/2009 - Cosa può fare una mano - Geniale ma alla mano Varie
02/09/2009 - Entrofobesse - Behind my spike Review
02/09/2009 - Muffins - japanese muffins Varie
02/09/2009 - Baroque Obama - 1708 ca Varie
01/09/2009 - Thomas Doyle - Il diavolo è nei dettagli Tuff luck, revisited - Mixed media, 36 x 14 x 14 inches, 2005 Varie
01/09/2009 - Tips for the perfect party "mi si nota di più se vengo e me ne sto in disparte o se non vengo per niente?" Varie
01/09/2009 - Alex Gomez - Love sex & drugs Review
01/09/2009 - Anja Huwe - Listen to the Pictures from dark(ness) to the colour(ful) Varie
01/09/2009 - Peter Kernel - Africa new video out Varie

31/08/2009 - Gimme gimme some lovin' Varie
29/08/2009 - Black cab sessions - Follow that taxi! one song, one take, one cab Varie
29/08/2009 - Louise Brooks - This was taken in 1984 during the making of Lulu in Berlin. A rare interview with Louise Brooks by documentarian Richard Leacock and Susan Steinberg Woll Varie
28/08/2009 - Daniel Park - Stanely Kubrick Varie
27/08/2009 - Enzo Romano - Damme o cane sta casa pare proprio nu desert / si vegh stu guinzaglio e sta cuperta Varie
27/08/2009 - Graham Roumieu - Auditioning for Zombie Roles - The Atlantic Varie
25/08/2009 - Transformers - from Latin America Varie
24/08/2009 - Solquest / Diofarfalla - Harassment Review
24/08/2009 - Lego - 8-bit trip "1500 hours of moving legobricks and take photos of them", a dive into 8-bit videogames age. Varie
24/08/2009 - Robert Sikoryak - Action Camus Varie
24/08/2009 - True Blood - Paper Doll Collection by Andy Twist Varie
21/08/2009 - Metropolis - Water, please Varie
21/08/2009 - Edward Gorey - (ca. February 15 or 22, 1925 – April 15, 2000) and his (cat) people at home in Yarmouthport in 1992 Varie
20/08/2009 - Barbara De Dominicis - Anti-Gone Review
19/08/2009 - Wavves - genuine Varie
19/08/2009 - David Bowie - The Man Who Fell to Earth Original trailer Varie
19/08/2009 - Mi and L'Au - Good Morning Jokers Review
19/08/2009 - Savage Chickens - Commuter Blues Varie
19/08/2009 - Mimes of Wine - Apocalypse sets in Review
18/08/2009 - Sonic Youth - Behind Goo The original photo later illustrated by Raymond Pettibon for Sonic Youth Varie
18/08/2009 - Fame Festival - featuring Blu Apertura 19 settembre 2009, Grottaglie (Ta) Varie
18/08/2009 - Quante volte hai usato le dita come spazzolino per i denti? - Summertime - The Zombies (1965) Varie
12/08/2009 - On holiday - One week off Varie
11/08/2009 - Julie Morstad - Emotional Varie
06/08/2009 - Zhou Fan "I remember them vividly" Varie
06/08/2009 - Ennio Antonelli - (Roma, 23 febbraio 1927 – Roma, 6 agosto 2004) in memoria di Varie
04/08/2009 - Peter Kernel - He's a heartattack (acoustic version live) Varie
04/08/2009 - The Hunt for Gollum - Free movie online A 40 minute independent film inspired by The Lord of the Rings which is available for free viewing Varie
03/08/2009 - Nastro - IMQ Video ufficiale gentiluomo Varie
03/08/2009 - Japanese Gum - Lost in Weirdness Varie
03/08/2009 - Ring Of Truth - Everything's The Same But In A Different Place Review
03/08/2009 - Air doll - trailer, english subs by Hirokazu Koreeda Varie
02/08/2009 - William Burroughs - (St. Louis, 5 Feb 1914 – Lawrence, 2 Ago 1997) The Talking Asshole, performed by Frank Zappa, from The Nova Convention (Giorno Poetry Systems, Dec 2, 1978) Varie
02/08/2009 - Barbagallo - Floppy Disk Review
01/08/2009 - Sunny Day Sets Fire - Chatting with Mauro Remiddi Interview

31/07/2009 - Jukka Reverberi on Booooooom Varie
31/07/2009 - Tor Johnson in Drew Friedman's comics Varie
30/07/2009 - Invading the Vintage - Aliens on holiday in Switzerland by Franco Brambilla Varie
30/07/2009 - Voltage Directed by Filippe Lyra, William Paiva Varie
29/07/2009 - My Bloody Valentine - Unreleased tracks? Recorded between Isn't Anything and Loveless-era? Varie
29/07/2009 - Alan Vega Seen by Alex Fine Varie
29/07/2009 - Dedo - Solar Day Review
28/07/2009 - True Blood - Main title, making of. by Digital Kitchen Varie
28/07/2009 - Michael Jackson - what they may look like in the year 2000 From Ebony, August 1985 Varie
28/07/2009 - Javier Jaén - Un caffè forte Varie
28/07/2009 - Sleepy Sun - Embrace Review
27/07/2009 - The Telescopes - Everso official video and other live vids Varie
27/07/2009 - Mulu - Garage Bleu Review
27/07/2009 - Mickey Mouse - Mickey Bones by Hey! Mostrico Varie
25/07/2009 - Barefoot sneaker - Nude as the foot Varie
25/07/2009 - Copenhagen! - Name? Review
24/07/2009 - Space invaders - From the Outer Universe to Your Fridge Varie
24/07/2009 - Carlos Aires - laser cut vinyl record silhouettes Varie
24/07/2009 - SomEEcards - confessions Varie
24/07/2009 - Drink to Me / Edible Woman - split 7'' Review
23/07/2009 - AmazingSuperPowers - Get a job! Varie
23/07/2009 - Denise - Cuddly Cloudy Afternoon Video Varie
22/07/2009 - Paul McCarthy - Poop Air pressure show Varie
22/07/2009 - Ka Mate Ka Ora - Thick as the summer stars Review
21/07/2009 - Lost - in Berlusconi 01x02 Varie
21/07/2009 - Ofeliadorme - Sometimes It's Better To Wait Review
20/07/2009 - Mr Wiggles - About Crocs Varie
20/07/2009 - Ross Butter - Pythagorus the Cretinous Penguin Varie
20/07/2009 - Ron English First solo exibithion in Italì, @ the Don Gallery, Milano, dal 9 luglio sino il 25 agosto 2009 Varie
20/07/2009 - Star wars - Cast in 1978 Sears Catalogue Chewie, Darth Vader, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia and R2D2 Varie
20/07/2009 - Acrossair - New York Nearest Subway Augmented Reality App for iPhone 3GS Varie
17/07/2009 - Billie Holiday - (born Eleanora Fagan; April 7, 1915 – July 17, 1959) R.i.p, - Her performance of "Fine And Mellow" on CBS's The Sound of Jazz program Varie
15/07/2009 - Julia Murakami - Anatomy of a fairy tale Varie
14/07/2009 - Appello - Komakino fanzine aderisce alla giornata di silenzio per la libertà d'informazione on line Varie
13/07/2009 - Fridge talking - Hey get back here Varie
13/07/2009 - Michael Jackson - Eternal Moonwalk Varie
13/07/2009 - Regina Spektor live @ fritz club, Berlin, July 7th, - 23€ Live report
10/07/2009 - Are You afraid of strange men? Varie
10/07/2009 - Please help - Trapped in bear costume, please help unzip Varie
07/07/2009 - A Very Naughty Bear - @ threadless by Roni Lagin & Mo Moussa Varie
06/07/2009 - SOUR - 日々の音色 (Hibi no neiro) Varie
04/07/2009 - Distortion x Flowers - by Azuma Makoto Chromatic Tuner, - H33cm x W22cm x L3.2cm / Ink Jet Print / Acrylic Photo Frame / Edition of 5, 73,500 YEN Varie
04/07/2009 - Tallulah Bankhead on why She called everyone dahling Varie
03/07/2009 - Barbagallo - The Review
03/07/2009 - Diana - sweet like a chocholate camera Varie
02/07/2009 - Ti presento la mia famiglia - Renato Pozzetto, Tomas Milian Tratto da "Uno contro l'altro... praticamente amici" del 1981. Varie
01/07/2009 - Shalloboi - Christmas song Varie
01/07/2009 - My Honey - no more honey La mielosa indie chiude i battenti, ahinoi. Varie
01/07/2009 - Projekt A-Ko - Yoyodyne Review
01/07/2009 - Bryan Adams - photography (every picture i do) i do it for you Varie

30/06/2009 - He-Man - I Have The Power Art Tribute show, 1821 Powell St. San Francisco, CA 94133, June 20 - July 19, 2009, [via double punch] Varie
30/06/2009 - The LC-A's 25th Birthday Parties - in Lomography Embassies and Galleries: Celebration Recap Varie
30/06/2009 - Fountain of Youth - Troutman & St. Nicholas, Bushwick, Brooklyn NY. Varie
29/06/2009 - Buttersafe kick your face Varie
28/06/2009 - Heartless by Juan Carlos Bueno Varie
27/06/2009 - Amnesty international - eye tracking print ad via Ads of the world Varie
26/06/2009 - Casper Electronics - Drones, drones, drones. Varie
26/06/2009 - Key-Lectric - Manu Magnini ai (Vostri) timpani Interview
26/06/2009 - Michael Jackson - r.i.p. (USA, Gary, 29 agosto 1958 – Los Angeles, 25 giugno 2009) Varie
25/06/2009 - Spinoza "Un blog serissimo." Varie
25/06/2009 - Cat Claws - Stupid Song + A Day as a Cat Varie
24/06/2009 - Lost - in Berlusconi Lost In Berlusconi. Gli sceneggiatori di Lost alle prese con il caso Noemi. Varie
24/06/2009 - R2-D2 - manual t-shirt by Reece Ward Varie
24/06/2009 - Still Leven - Everyday And Never E.P. Review
23/06/2009 - Ghost World - deluxe edition release by Daniel Clowes Varie
23/06/2009 - Claudia is on the Sofa - Sweet Daisy Review
22/06/2009 - Wulffmorgenthaler - The difference between hardocore metal fans and ordinary humans Varie
22/06/2009 - C64 - for Iphone Varie
22/06/2009 - Batman - The phantom Beatles The clue is on their album cover Varie
22/06/2009 - The Victorian English Gentlemens Club - Parrot new video Varie
21/06/2009 - Referendum 21 e 22 giugno 2009 - Questo è il libro che serve a te.. Ciro docet. Varie
20/06/2009 - Mazzy Star - Bells Ring Varie
18/06/2009 - Amnesty international - war war war war by Leo Burnett Varie
18/06/2009 - 9 - Eponymous Review
17/06/2009 - Isobel - Postumi Review
17/06/2009 - Digitale Terrestre - L'oppio digitale dei popoli La tivvù continua ad imparare tutti qualcosa Varie
16/06/2009 - My Way My Love - I'll Cure You With Electricity Review
16/06/2009 - Denise - Night Breeze video Varie
15/06/2009 - Snowy White - ..happily ever after - Part 2 of 'Fallen Princesses' series. Varie
15/06/2009 - Iregret - Eye Regret Varie
14/06/2009 - Asger Carlsen - Details of wrong Varie
11/06/2009 - Jumbo landing adv campaign for IFAW Varie
11/06/2009 - Night's Bright Colors - Late night by lamplight Review
11/06/2009 - Beppe Grillo - è ascoltato alla Commissione Affari Costituzionali del Senato sulla proposta di legge popolare Parlamento Pulito Varie
11/06/2009 - Quello che sui giornali non leggerete più - Le nuove regole sulle intercettazioni [..] Articolo de La Repubblica, by Giuseppe D'Avanzo. Varie
10/06/2009 - Simon's Cat - Tv Dinner Varie
10/06/2009 - Mobile Evolution - Miniaturisation in the style of a Russian Doll by Kyle Bean Varie
10/06/2009 - Comaneci - Girl was sent to grandma Review
09/06/2009 - A non-prophet organization - Atheism Varie
09/06/2009 - Google Wave - Google Wave Developer Preview at Google I/O 2009 Varie
08/06/2009 - Sunny Day Sets Fire - Summer Palace Review
08/06/2009 - Janine Rewell - Tan the man "Tanning design crated with vinyl stickers and solarium." Varie
05/06/2009 - Zhang Haiying - Anti-Vice Campaign "subject the Chinese government's 2005 initiatives in eradicating prostitution and pornography" Varie
05/06/2009 - The Beatles - rock band - the opening cinematic, e il Paese del Bel Canto Varie
05/06/2009 - Leila Adu - Cherry Pie Review
05/06/2009 - Maurizio Savini - chew this Chewing/american gum (and more..) sculptures Varie
04/06/2009 - Star Wars - Darth Vader Back Buddy Varie
03/06/2009 - Metùo - w/ La Calle Mojada + Piano For Airport live 29 maggio 2009, Roma @ mads - v. dei sabelli 2, ingr. 5€ Live report
03/06/2009 - Terrae motus - Mare motus Una fantastica crociera estiva per gli sfollati dell'Abruzzo Varie
02/06/2009 - Star Wars - ABC K is for K-3PO Varie
01/06/2009 - Lili Refrain - w/ Quiet in the Cave + The Drop Machine live @ sinister noise, Roma, 28 maggio 2009, - ingr. 5€ Live report

29/05/2009 - Piano For Airport + La Calle Mojada + Metùo - Dreamy night STASERA a Roma @ mads Varie
28/05/2009 - Lili Refrain - stasera live a Roma @ sinister noise komakino consiglia.. Varie
28/05/2009 - Brad Neely - Creased Comics Varie
28/05/2009 - Internet - Anticipation 1969 Varie
27/05/2009 - Barack Obama - battles the pink robots paintings by Jayson Scott Musson Varie
27/05/2009 - Jackpine - Return to zero Review
27/05/2009 - Lego - Dispatchwork Varie
27/05/2009 - Su Blackwell - Alice: Through the Looking Glass Varie
27/05/2009 - Polaroid - camera candle Varie
27/05/2009 - R.I.P. I.E. 6 - spread out the obituary notice Varie
26/05/2009 - Harry Clarke - Illustrations for E. A. Poe "and among them all i beheld only - Morella" Varie
26/05/2009 - The Vickers - The Only One video Varie
25/05/2009 - Juule Kraijer Bloed Neus, charcoal and ink on paper (2003) Varie
25/05/2009 - Eucalyptus - The library, to go Varie
25/05/2009 - Slumberwood - Yawling Night Songs Review
25/05/2009 - Sleepy Sun - w/ Leila Adu live Rome, May 24th 2009, @ sinister noise - 6€ Live report
25/05/2009 - Peter Kernel - Free barbeque live @ area 51, Rozzano Live report
22/05/2009 - Wulffmorgenthaler - it would be so easy.. Varie
21/05/2009 - Inlingua: world made of words by Optix Digital Varie
20/05/2009 - Josephine Foster - w/ Marissa Nadler live Roma @ init, 14 maggio 2009 - booking: wakeupandream Live report
20/05/2009 - Hi, a real human interface - by multitouch barcelona Varie
19/05/2009 - The evolution of alternative music - by Virus comix Varie
19/05/2009 - Great Pacific Garbage Patch - In Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and California there is an island from the plastic withdrawals on the area as Great Britain. Varie
19/05/2009 - Wulffmorgenthaler - Nobody is accepted Varie
18/05/2009 - Space invaders - hidden messages in Brussels' buildings Varie
18/05/2009 - Slon - Antenne Review
18/05/2009 - Kimya Dawson Tree Hugger + Alphabutt Varie
17/05/2009 - Animal Collective - Tutorial per fare una canzone à la.. Varie
16/05/2009 - My Bloody Valentine - Videos by Angus Cameron Varie
16/05/2009 - Thony - Colours video Varie
16/05/2009 - Frogwomen & Alexander De Large - 66.6 Review
15/05/2009 - Walter Lyon Krudop - Mysterium animation Varie
15/05/2009 - Freaky Mermaids - Freaky Circus Review
14/05/2009 - Sara Lov - A thousand bees video preview @ Paste magazine Varie
14/05/2009 - Comaneci una precisazione su Girl was sent to grama's in 1914 Varie
14/05/2009 - Greenpeace - Le mappe nucleari per l'Italia Greenpeace segnala, poi servizio su La Repubblica Varie
14/05/2009 - Noodle Pandas - ideal for lunch Varie
13/05/2009 - Fuck You!!! - -__-! Varie
12/05/2009 - La nascita di Venere, revisited - by Rich Grillotti Varie
12/05/2009 - Lomography - Lomography website relaunched nonchè, CONTEST e WORKSHOP a Roma, il 16 maggio Varie
12/05/2009 - Diz Decor Vinyl stickers by Julia Wolf Varie
12/05/2009 - I Have a Bad Case of Diarrhea - English lesson to sing along Varie
12/05/2009 - Alternatives to - Find better Windows, Mac, Linux and online applications Varie
12/05/2009 - Wulffmorgenthaler - Jimmy celebrates his wife and his anniversary Varie
11/05/2009 - El Cijo - Due chiacchiere con Simone Furbetta Interview
11/05/2009 - Borja Bonaque - Ilustración y diseño gràfico Varie
08/05/2009 - Fernando Falcone - Mary Ann! (2005) Varie
08/05/2009 - B.B.A. - s/t Review
08/05/2009 - Marc Johns - why did you draw me on this side? Varie
08/05/2009 - To Kill A Petty Bourgeoisie - w/ Boduf Songs Live Roma 03 Maggio 2009 @ locanda atlantide, ingr. 5€ Live report
08/05/2009 - Jules Julien - a brilliant graphic artist from Paris (below: De mâle en psy, PREF Magazine - France - 2007) Varie
08/05/2009 - David O'Keefe - Bill Murray and other pop icons Varie
07/05/2009 - Afraid! - w/ Marnero + Si Non Sedesis + Restless Wrestlers live Roma 02 Maggio 2009 @ sinister noise, courtesy of UltraHertz rec, ingr. 6€ Live report
07/05/2009 - Savage Chickens - Scene from the Matrix prequel by Doug Savage Varie
06/05/2009 - Vampire Girl Vs. Frankenstein Girl - NSFW Varie
06/05/2009 - Buttersafe - Breaking news Varie
05/05/2009 - Key-Lectric - Blanking Generator Review
04/05/2009 - Vaf Fan Cola - me te bevo Varie
04/05/2009 - Det sjunde inseglet - Blue screen of Death by Truckbearingkibble Varie
04/05/2009 - Sara Lov - w/ Denise live Roma, 01 maggio 2009 @ circolo degli artisti, ingr. gratuito Live report
03/05/2009 - Maura Livoli - quella cosa nella camicetta Varie
01/05/2009 - Shoegaze - DiS interviews Neil Halstead and Simon Scott Varie

30/04/2009 - A clockwork orange - 9000vision presents: Varie
30/04/2009 - Piano For Airport - Much More EP Review
30/04/2009 - Horsey - Our connected world.. Varie
29/04/2009 - Creatures of Corpse Paint - by Francesca Williams Varie
28/04/2009 - It's about enjoing the journey - by Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal Varie
28/04/2009 - Southerly - Storyteller and the Gossip Columnist Review
27/04/2009 - See Mike Draw - Whales for scientific research only! Varie
27/04/2009 - Wulffmorgenthaler The unusual suspects Varie
27/04/2009 - Metùo - Toy Shop Review
25/04/2009 - Life cycle - by Lisa Smith Varie
24/04/2009 - Michael - Lo so, è come sparare alla croce rossa.. non ho resistito. Varie
24/04/2009 - Comaneci - prendono casa al Madcap Collective Varie
24/04/2009 - True Blood - new poster, announcing Season II Varie
24/04/2009 - Goodbye Elliot - @ bustedtees Varie
24/04/2009 - Marty Feldman - rip 8 July 1934 – 2 December 1982 Varie
23/04/2009 - Fitness Forever - showcase @ fnac, 29 aprile, ore 18.30 Varie
23/04/2009 - Sara Lov - The word is Lov(e) Interview
23/04/2009 - Sara Lov - Seasoned Eyes Were Beaming Review
22/04/2009 - AU - Verbs Review
22/04/2009 - Pandamonium - in Rome in piazza del popolo, April 18th Varie
21/04/2009 - Denise live Roma @ Contestaccio, 19 april 2009 - ingr. gratuito Live report
21/04/2009 - Shannon Wright - my today good news New album on the way Varie
21/04/2009 - Wulffmorgenthaler - Experiments Varie
20/04/2009 - Safety match, Kojima Match & Co - Japanese matchbox label / circa 1935 an amazing vintage collection of match boxes Varie
20/04/2009 - Mike Mitchell - pure exellence Varie
20/04/2009 - Buttersafe - Are You ready to rock'n roll? Varie
19/04/2009 - Charles Darwin - Shrewsbury, 12 febbraio 1809 – Londra, 19 aprile 1882 Illustration by Sarah King Varie
17/04/2009 - Miranda July - The Hallway A 125 foot hallway - English in one direction / Japanese in the other. From the Yokohama Triennale 2008. Varie
17/04/2009 - Guitar lessons to get laid Varie
16/04/2009 - El Cijo - Bonjour My Love Review
16/04/2009 - SIAE - Il bollino Siae (ri)diventa obbligatorio o insomma, ci prova. Varie
16/04/2009 - Love of the Dead - by George A. Romeo Love Will Tear Us Apart Varie
16/04/2009 - Cheveu - w/ Tyvek + Laser Tag + Bobsleigh Baby live Roma @ locanda atlantide - ingr. 6€ Live report
16/04/2009 - Helium - Superball video Varie
15/04/2009 - Xylopholks - Play it furry, Sam Varie
15/04/2009 - If i was a Robot - by Alex Noriega Varie
15/04/2009 - Claudine Longet - The Very Best Of Claudine Longet Review
14/04/2009 - Vanna Bowles - ouch (Untitled drawing with relief 110 x 80 cm 2007) Varie
14/04/2009 - The One's - The Debut of Lady June Review
14/04/2009 - Terrae motus Gli sciacalli dell'informazione Varie
14/04/2009 - Blow Up - poster remake by Tomer Hanuka Varie
14/04/2009 - Joy Division - Unknown pleasures Varie
13/04/2009 - Stage dumps - T(h)urd Varie
13/04/2009 - Scucito Varie
09/04/2009 - Condoms are bad? - J doesn't think so one more stop/motion fight Varie
09/04/2009 - Kurt Cobain - rip "Kind of Business or Industry: Punk Rock." Varie
09/04/2009 - Great (chalk) album covers "From the bathroom chalkboard wall at the 37signals/Coudal Partners office" Varie
08/04/2009 - The Vickers - Keep Clear Review
08/04/2009 - Book book shelf by Not Tom Varie
07/04/2009 - Denise - Carol of Wonders ep Review
07/04/2009 - Short story by Tom Gauld Varie
06/04/2009 - Paul Chan - Oh why so serious? Varie
06/04/2009 - Tôrst - po(p)tential Review
06/04/2009 - Terrae motus Varie
05/04/2009 - Father Murphy - live @ fanfulla, Roma, 3 aprile 2009 ingresso tessera arci o 5€ Live report
04/04/2009 - The Wizard of Oz so how do i get her courage? Varie
03/04/2009 - Kenji Yanobe - Tanking Machine Just in case You thought a post-nuclear life would be worth living.. Varie
03/04/2009 - Father Murphy - live, stasera Varie
02/04/2009 - Metric - Fantasies Review
02/04/2009 - MR OBAMAAAA - MR BERLUSCONI HAHHAHAHAAH "What is it??" - Queen Elizabeth II Varie
01/04/2009 - Saul Steinberg - Girl in Bathtub, 1949 Varie
01/04/2009 - Afraid! - Megalöklift Review
01/04/2009 - John Coltrane - A Love Supreme - youtube 1965, Antibes, France Varie

31/03/2009 - Kim Thue - b/w majesty Varie
31/03/2009 - Pencil pirate - by Mark Giglio Varie
30/03/2009 - OZ - beloved deads Varie
29/03/2009 - Iron Man vs Bruce Lee - stop/motion fight Varie
28/03/2009 - Barzin - w/ Blessed Child Opera + Sea Dweller live 26 marzo 2009 @ init, - ingr. 10€ Live report
27/03/2009 - Sara Lov - The Young Eyes Review
27/03/2009 - Wulffmorgenthaler - Facebook: would you really accept an add-req from your boss? Varie
26/03/2009 - Jennifer Gentle - madhouse + popporno @ prontialpeggio Varie
26/03/2009 - Barzin - live, tonight Varie
26/03/2009 - Jazzmaster - Vintage Early 1959 w/ BIRDSEYE NECK / Ebay auction "This Jazzmaster is from one of the first production runs and would have been overseen by the great man himself ... Leo Fender!" Varie
25/03/2009 - REM & Muppets - Furry happy monsters don't be sad Varie
24/03/2009 - Luke Chueh - poor kitty Varie
24/03/2009 - Dead Leaf Echo - Pale fire Review
24/03/2009 - Tapes - Ian, Bob and the others Ghost in the Machine series Varie
24/03/2009 - Ipod shuffle - introducing the new Varie
23/03/2009 - Fanfulla - Antirealism @ Roma selezione video dalla mostra in corso dal 21 al 24 marzo c/o adele-c studio Varie
23/03/2009 - The Zombies - Tell Her No - youtube Zombie a Conca d'Oro Varie
23/03/2009 - The worst kind of boss Varie
21/03/2009 - Shoot Varie
19/03/2009 - True Blood - True Blood Posters Varie
19/03/2009 - Frankenstein - This is Edison's COMPLETE 1910 silent Frankenstein film @ internet archive Varie
19/03/2009 - aMute - Infernal Heights For A Drama Review
19/03/2009 - Battle for the planet of the apes - nostalgic newspaper movie ads Stop! Stop! Caesar forbids yoooou! Varie
15/03/2009 - A couple of days off Varie
14/03/2009 - LaCie Key USB Drives Varie
13/03/2009 - Rat-man - OH MIO DIO!! MA TU SAI CUCIRE!!!! Varie
13/03/2009 - Roma'n'Bike - ma dove, vai bellezza in bicicletta? - Da nessuna parte, visto che il servizio di bike sharing è sospeso. Varie
13/03/2009 - Suicide - Ghost Rider live videos @ youtube Varie
12/03/2009 - Valerian Swing - w/ Desperate Living + Palkoscenico al Neon live @ sinister noise, Roma, 08 marzo 2009 Live report
11/03/2009 - Sara Lov - with Zac Rae perform Asleep by The Smiths Varie
11/03/2009 - Jan Švankmajer - Meat Love @ youtube magna a papà Varie
11/03/2009 - Matt Furie - Monsters, skeletons, blobs. Varie
11/03/2009 - Night's Bright Colors - Fire Set Fire to the Stars Review
11/03/2009 - Polaroid - Ad from the 70's describes the Polaroid SX-70 Varie
10/03/2009 - Urban jungle: Il Punk 'You know what, i'm punk too! i listen to AVRIL LAVIGNE' Varie
10/03/2009 - Apple iPhone PROTOTYPE with Beta OS and spare phone - Ebay Auction "Looks like the KITT dashboard buttons" Varie
10/03/2009 - Adam McCauley - Rarely seen Disneyland characters Winnie the Pope and the others. Varie
09/03/2009 - Jesus - vs. Ghostbusters Who ya gonna call!? Varie
09/03/2009 - Vintage and Rare - Fender / BASS VI / 6 string / Richard Henry Guitars Varie
09/03/2009 - Debranded cigarettes Varie
08/03/2009 - And do not forget to brush your fonts before going to bed - Heldentica.ttf Tomatica.ttf Gelvetica.ttf Varie
08/03/2009 - Techno tuesday - sharing Varie
06/03/2009 - Les Fauves - N. A. L. T. 2 Liquid Modernity Review
06/03/2009 - Publicist - w/ Laser Tag @ init, Roma, 04 marzo 2009, ingr. 10€ Live report
05/03/2009 - Nō - Vuoto (A work about cosmic vacuum) Review
05/03/2009 - Jesus - and the dinosaurs - probably he did Varie
04/03/2009 - Una familia per pene - familiapene, NSFW, i guess Varie
04/03/2009 - Life magic Varie
04/03/2009 - 2668. Forbidden Zone, Ape city, future - 50 of the Most Insane Things Never Seen on Google Street View Varie
04/03/2009 - Parenthetical Girls A Song For Ellie Greenwich, video and making of Varie
04/03/2009 - Ministry of Aesthetics - From Adolf Hitler to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Varie
04/03/2009 - Heima, proiezione a Roma @ Cinemundialito - about Iceland & Sigur Rós Varie
03/03/2009 - Kiss Me Emily - All in One Review
03/03/2009 - Nuke it - get your ground zero by Carlos Labs Varie
02/03/2009 - Star Wars - pimp my r2-d2 Varie
02/03/2009 - Agaskodo Teliverek - Psycho Goulash Review
02/03/2009 - Glennz - vote on new Glennz designs Varie
02/03/2009 - Camera237 - Inspiration is not Here Review
02/03/2009 - Barack Obama I know what you're thinking- "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. Varie

27/02/2009 - Trees of Mint - + Tocqueville + La Calle Mojada 26 febbraio 2009 @ sinister noise, ingr. 5€ Live report
27/02/2009 - Satanic - Titanic "Still, look on the bright side" Varie
26/02/2009 - KickYouTube - Download youtube video for free Varie
26/02/2009 - Lego - please, my business card Varie
26/02/2009 - Eiko Ishizawa - The great sleeping bear Varie
26/02/2009 - Fitness Forever - Personal Train Review
26/02/2009 - The crucial difference - The crucial difference Varie
25/02/2009 - Space Invaders - A simple plan Varie
24/02/2009 - Lili Refrain - Donne è arrivato l'arrotino e l'ombrellaio live @ Atelier 351 Varie
24/02/2009 - Father Murphy - ...and He told us to turn to the Sun Review
23/02/2009 - Fitness Forever - Bacharach - video Varie
23/02/2009 - Wulffmorgenthaler - The reason all music sounds alike Varie
23/02/2009 - Samuel Katarro - Sporcast come togliere le macchie di catarro? Varie
20/02/2009 - Lost - toys Varie
19/02/2009 - Bauhaus - Hollow Hills - live video Varie
19/02/2009 - Hook, line and succor! - Never trust a half naked duck, yuk! Varie
19/02/2009 - Lost in time - Salvate il mondo 4 8 15 16 23 42 Varie
16/02/2009 - Fitness Forever - live @ circolo degli artisti il 25 febbraio - preview di Sporco Impossibile Varie
16/02/2009 - hi guys Varie
15/02/2009 - Uzi & Ari - w/ Formanta! Roma 12 febbraio @ sinister noise, 10€ Live report
14/02/2009 - Be my valentine - So Much Depends Upon a Red Typewriter Varie
12/02/2009 - Camera Obscura - New album, My Maudlin Career (+ stream) Varie
12/02/2009 - Pimp that snack - Giant Oreo cookie Nobody likes it regular Varie
12/02/2009 - If You need it bigger Varie
11/02/2009 - Jesus - hates zombies - Actually, wouldn't You? Varie
10/02/2009 - Highlander "I can read movies" series Varie
10/02/2009 - Andy Warhol paints Debbie Harry on an Amiga - Amiga product launch press conference in 1985 Varie
10/02/2009 - Lux Interior - r.i.p. Varie
09/02/2009 - The One's - Dream Review
06/02/2009 - Portrait of a zombie - It's friday, and You look like a zombie Varie
06/02/2009 - Made in USSR - Treasures of Soviet Atlantis Varie
05/02/2009 - The Jesus and Mary Chain - with Hope Sandoval 1994, Late Night Dave US TV Varie
05/02/2009 - TECCHE STAIAFFA' - Scrivere come Savinio Varie
03/02/2009 - Snow Totoro Varie
03/02/2009 - Wulffmorgenthaler - The akward situation when two former colleagues meet Varie
03/02/2009 - Traffic - divieto di ballo ai concerti? Varie
02/02/2009 - Mom and son Varie
02/02/2009 - Saxsofunny - toda imagem tem um som Varie
02/02/2009 - Blind mr. Jones - Disneyworld - video Varie
02/02/2009 - Concediti una pausa a 5 stelle - Where are we going to? Varie

30/01/2009 - FaTSfood - eat eat eat Varie
30/01/2009 - I have the perfect harmchair for Your socks Varie
29/01/2009 - Ultravixen - Avorio Erotic Movie Review
29/01/2009 - Nadav Kander - Yangtze long river, Chernobil half life. Varie
28/01/2009 - The Urf - I will never for get you, .. (your name please?) Varie
28/01/2009 - Sara Lov - The Young Eyes EP released, and Her first video Varie
27/01/2009 - Save me - We heart polaroid Varie
27/01/2009 - Shoes and beers Varie
27/01/2009 - Facciamo iniziare in orario i concerti a Roma Varie
27/01/2009 - Can i keep it? Varie
26/01/2009 - Emily Jane White - Dark Undercoat Review
26/01/2009 - Floppy invader - softwear.. by microsoft? Varie
23/01/2009 - Radiohead cover Joy Division/New Order Varie
22/01/2009 - Savage Republic - w/ Carla Bozulich + Congs for Brums @ circolo degli artisti, Roma, 20 gennaio 2009, ingr. 10€ Live report
20/01/2009 - Confuse the Cat - Kericky Review
20/01/2009 - Ops.. Varie
19/01/2009 - Fabio Orsi / Mamuthones - The First Born Review
19/01/2009 - Sleeveface - As said before.. just for the record(s).. Varie
19/01/2009 - David J. Hanus - Pictures about fucking not exactly Varie
19/01/2009 - Friends of Alice Ivy - Amps & Kylie, sound people from Melbourne Interview
19/01/2009 - Wulffmorgenthaler - transplants Varie
19/01/2009 - Chelsea Girl by Siggi Eggertsson Varie
18/01/2009 - Not found - as subject Varie
18/01/2009 - Star Wars - スターウォーズ Varie
17/01/2009 - eMpTV - promo, free style Varie
17/01/2009 - Joe Davis - Quand l'amour fut pris - animation video Varie
17/01/2009 - In pieces - Cartoon Particles Varie
16/01/2009 - Anatomy socks - That sucks. Varie
16/01/2009 - Urtovox - Sonicbids competition Varie
16/01/2009 - Only act on it when i'm the mood Varie
16/01/2009 - Clinic - w/ Dispositivo per il lancio obliquo di una sferetta @ Init, Roma - giovedì 15 gennaio 2009, - ingr. 15€ Live report
16/01/2009 - Mario Magnotta Varie
15/01/2009 - Lasciami entrare - Låt den rätte komma in Review
15/01/2009 - Film School - Dear Me - video Varie
14/01/2009 - Japanese, cross, cinema Varie
14/01/2009 - F-factory - Exclusive design bag? just look for a TIR. First we have to find used truck tarps Varie
14/01/2009 - The Genealogy of pop rock music - Zoom, focus, - that's it. Varie
14/01/2009 - Vladimir Nabokov - reading Lolita, on video Quel vecchio sporcaccione di Nabokov, legge Lolita. Varie
14/01/2009 - Beatrice Antolini - Funky Show - video Varie
14/01/2009 - Il Cielo di Bagdad - Export for malinconique Review
14/01/2009 - I made tea - by Joe Davis. Varie
13/01/2009 - komakino fenice, komakino felice - Yes, that's komakino's restyled website. And yes, i should place a 'BETA' on the logo, i know Varie